Alicia's Blog

Change of career

I think I need a career change because I ran into an old friend (Jesse) last night and he is doing well for himself. He was driving a brand new BMW for starters. I know a thing or two about cars and certainly know he paid close to six figures for his. He told me he is in the medical field doing x rays for a hospital. I never knew an x ray tech salary was that high. He was in a rush and couldn’t chit chat much but told me to add him on Facebook and we could catch up more on there. I sent him a friend request this morning. When he accepts it I want to get the low down on how I can get a job like his. I don’t want to sound mean but Jesse isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. I figure if he can do it I certainly can too.  Plus, right now it's just like me and Jenny at home and we're barely making any money at all.